Sunday 12 May 2013

It was a miracle that the sun was shining over our May Bank Holiday last week. Whilst the snow was still settling just a month before and our Vitamin D deprived skin longed for a warm kiss from the suns' rays, I have got to tell you – I was not ready for it. Every year, when Christmas passes, the dietary routine begins all over again, but that soon peaks and plateau’s by the end of January (my birthday celebrations always let me down and the bad habits set in again). What with the never-ending snow you could say that I got comfortable covering up! And when that sun came a-shining down just last week, I knew it was time to get back on it once again.

Now, whilst I can assure you that there will be lots of yummy treats and hidden JEM recipes coming your way; I thought that, in order to motivate myself, I would share my top 3 perfect summer confidence tips to start us off!

Once a keen gym member, these days my busy schedule doesn’t allow a lot of time to spend hours toning up and sweating off those unwanted calories. If you feel the same way or just need that little bit of motivation, here’s my little trick to get you ready for the day:

Make a play list of about 15 minutes with your favourite songs of the moment that really pump you up. Wake up that bit earlier before work, open your blind and let the sun light pour in.  Put your tunes on and start with some simple stomach crunches to the rhythm of your song. Every 30 seconds or so mix it up. Try leg extensions, planks and bicep curls. You're looking for a little cardio boost and gentle tone.  Doing this 15 minute routine daily, especially if you recruit a friend to do it with you, seriously sets you up and before you know it you will notice a summer ready stomach and firmer thighs.  
Just make sure you have a glass of water and are considerate of your room-mates when blasting your music before work!!  

Buy a new product that will make one of our best features shine with confidence all on it’s own. They say that we should change our shampoo every 6 months or so because our hair gets used to it. While this might just be a myth, trying shampoo’s that help with gloss or volume or strength can only be beneficial, right? Not to mention having a new seductive scent every few months to enjoy! I recently moved on to Aussie which smells incredible (like a musty bubblegum!) and has made a real difference to the shine and volume of my hair. A high street brand that retails at just £4.99, you are guaranteed to give your hair a whole new lease of life!


Buy yourself a new accessory for the summer (or three) I love these chunky jewelled necklaces right now that transform any outfit day or night. Try these for size and colour! I have to say that Topshop have seriously outdone themselves!

Enjoy summer beauties!

1 comment:

  1. Love this post! Such motivation. The necklaces are divine too!!!

    Stevie Hearts Makeup

    Stevie xxx
